Print Advertising Production Process – Optimised Still Image Use Across All Media

Prior to the digital age, still-image use was for photographic or print media requiring complex dyes or color-separating processes to allow quality execution. Print processes focused on retouching/image assembly, proofing, and controlling color balance to create realism to the printed image. Today, variables in appearance are controlled mechanically and digitally, allowing the process to fall into the standard production cycle – for more faithful reproduction and less one-off “art”. With increased standardization, techniques for standardizing the associated costs have also proliferated with rate cards, preferred/core suppliers and controlled buying now being important considerations.

Our Role
BBS helps our clients increase vendor transparency and streamline the production process by integrating a proven start-to-finish process that maximizes the value of the production. As with all our consultancy services, experienced BBS consultants work directly with clients and their suppliers throughout the process.

Our Process
Best advertising practices are assured by utilizing BBS Print Advertising Production Guidelines created for the client and agency partner(s).  Production Guidelines bring discipline and clarity to the production and define in detail the client, their agency and the BBS consultants’ role in the process. This eliminates any possible ambiguity of responsibility of each stakeholder ascribed to any step in the production process.

How we Partner for Success
With the project brief, BBS “ballparks” the project costs for quick alignment to the client’s budget and, where appropriate, identify and trigger alternative approaches to maximize clients spend. 

Once creative concepts and layouts are approved BBS consultants advise and participate in a pre-bid meeting which is the corner stone of any high value, effective production, regardless of media. Job specifications and roles are defined and bidding begins. With a successfully completed pre-bid, the creative and overall cost of the production is clear and confirmed. 

During our estimate review and negotiations, we keep “the image is king” mantra foremost in mind. We know that photography is not aim and shoot – it is setup and lighting with the image captured either on film or digitally. 

Finally, we evaluate and negotiate bids against BBS benchmarks and are available during each step of the production process up to and including reconciliation of the final invoice.